♦♦♦ SETTING IN UNIGRAPHICS 23 UG-NXĬHAPTER 4 TWO DIMENSIONAL SKETCHING This chapter covers the methods and commands to create sketches used in the part-modeling environment. 3.2.4 Exit an NX 11 Session: Click File →Exit If you have files open and have made changes to them without saving, the message will ask you if you really want to exit. In case of the first three options, the parts that are selected or all parts will be closed but the NX 11 session keeps on running. Therefore, remember to select Save and Close, Save As and Close, Save All and Close or Save All and Exit. Close Part Files: You can choose to close the parts that are visible on screen by Click File →Close If you close a file, the file will be cleared from the working memory and any changes that are not saved will be lost. Save Bookmark: This option will save a screenshot and context of the present model on the screen as a. Save All: This option will save all the opened part files with their existing names 5. prt.However, you can save your file as IGES (.igs),STEP 203 (.stp),STEP 214 (.step), AutoCAD DXF (.dxf),AutoCAD DWG (.dwg), CATIA Model (.model) and CATIA V5 (.catpart). Save As: This option allows you to save the part on screen using a different name and/or type. Save Work Part Only: This option will only save the active part on the screen. Save: This option will save the part on screen with the same name as given before while creating the part file. To save the part files, Click File →Save There are five options to save a file: 1. If for some reasons, NX 11 shuts down and the part is not saved, all the work will be lost. wireframe, solid model by clicking on the Output drop down-menu as shown in the Figure on right side Click Cancel to exit the window 3.2.2 Save Part Files :- It is imperative that you save your work frequently. You can also choose the method of printing, i.e. You can also select the scale for all the three dimensions. Here, you can choose the printer to use or specify the number of copies to be printed, size of the paper and so on. PRINTING, SAVING AND CLOSING FILES: 3.2.1 Print an NX 11 Image: To print an image from the current display, Click File →Print The following figure shows the Print dialog box. You can disable the Preview by un-clicking the box in front of the Preview button. You can see the preview of the files on the right side of the window.